纳米brine shrimp
Our Nano Brine consists of premium decapsulated Live Brine Shrimp between 400-500 microns in size.Rich in fat and protein, they make them an excellent food source for fish, coral, and other filter-feeding invertebrates (like Jellyfish).Our Nano Brine is packaged as sterilized eggs designed to hatch in transit.This allows the Brine Shrimp to arrive at a highly nutritious life stage.Because we decapsulate our eggs, even the unhatched ones make for an excellent fatty-acid rich food source that is both nutritious and waste-free.Our Nano Brine is guaranteed to be free of all parasites
Feeding Directions
- Inspect the jar for swimming movement to be sure the eggs hatched successfully in transit.
- If you do not notice motion in the jar, but instead a large mass of brown "detritus" at the bottom, it is likely the eggs did not hatch in transit.
- This is not a cause for concern.Remove the lid and allow the jar to rest for up to 48 hours.Usually, the eggs will hatch within 12-24 hours.
- Pour the entire contents of the jar into the Aquarium to feed your fish and coral.
- For best results, turn off pumps and filtration until livestock consume all Brine Shrimp
- Nano Brine can be enriched withOceanMagik LIVE phytoplankton, just add 1 oz into the package container as a nutritious food source for the shrimp.