Toadstool Leather corals are found throughout the Indo-Pacific.They can be found in Fiji, the Great Barrier Reef, Tonga, and many other places in the region.However, the Neon Green Polyp Leather corals sold here are maricultured by ORA in the Marshall Islands.The Green Polyp Leather coral has a beige base with bright green polyps.These polyps extend off of the base of the coral.This coral can quickly grow large, and it looks especially beautiful when it matures.
This Leather coral is easy to keep and can be kept in a wide range of aquarium conditions.The Green Polyp Leather coral prefers medium to high lighting.It can be kept in lower light, however it may become dull in color.Keeping it in higher light ensures the brightest possible coloration.When you first add this coral to your aquarium, place it under medium lighting and slowly acclimate it to higher light over a long period of time.When it comes to flow, this coral prefers moderate flow.Without enough flow, the coral won't be able to shed properly.Toadstool Leather corals shed a waxy layer about every month.manbetx3.0最新This waxy layer protects the coral from algae growth.manbetx3.0最新By shedding it every so often, no algae can grow on the coral.In order to shed, the coral needs adequate flow.Most of the coral's growth can be seen after each time it sheds.
This coral has small polyps, so feeding isn't something that is necessary.manbetx3.0最新The corals gets most of its food from the photosynthetic zooxanthellae algae inside of it.However, you can dose your aquarium with phytoplankton to feed this coral which may boost its growth and color.As for temperature, as long as your aquarium is between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit, this coral will do fine.Something to keep in mind is that Toadstool Leather corals such as this one take part in chemical warfare.Instead of stinging other corals with sweeper tentacles, this coral releases toxins in the water to stop the growth of other coral.To avoid issues with this, you should run carbon on your aquarium.Doing regular water changes helps as well.Another way to deal with the toxins is to run ozone on your aquarium.
Care requirements
Purchase Size:1 – 2″
Placement:You can place the Green Polyp Leather coral anywhere as long as its lighting and flow needs are met.
Lighting:Medium to high.
Parameters:72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 32-35 ppt
More Information
This Neon Green Polyp Leather coral is maricultured in the Marshall Islands by ORA.The benefits of maricultured corals is they come with the cheap price of coming from the ocean, while not actually being taken from real reefs.