Chalice corals are found all over the Indo-Pacific with most imported specimens coming from Australia and Indonesia.This Mummy Eye Chalice from ORA is aquacultured, meaning it is grown in aquariums instead of being collected from the ocean.There are lots of chalice species, but they are all sort of grouped together.The central difference in terms of care is aggression.Some chalice corals extend sweeper tentacles at night which can sting nearby corals.The Mummy Eye Chalice is an Echinophyllia.This chalice will release sweeper tentacles, so give it lots of room from other corals, even other chalices.
Chalice corals are fairly moderate when it comes to care.They prefer low to moderate lighting.They can be placed in higher lighting up to 200 micromoles of PAR if acclimated very very slowly, but there is no benefit to this.High light does not generally promote better coloration and can instead cause bleaching.These corals are best under the 100 micromoles of PAR.They can handle lower and higher light and are very adaptable to lighting conditions if acclimated properly.However, you should always lean on the low side with this coral.If you are unsure, go with the lower lighting.Make sure you acclimate this coral to your lights by starting it low on the aquascape and slowly moving it up.
As for flow, these coral require moderate flow.You need to provide enough flow so that no detritus can settle on the coral without giving so much flow that the flesh recedes or the coral falls off the rock work.It is best to provide indirect flow with some randomness to it.
As for water chemistry, this coral is fairly tolerant.Huge swings in calcium and alkalinity will not be received well, but it can handle some small fluctuations.As long as your levels are staying relatively stable and at a good range, you shouldn't have problems in this area.
As for your other parameters, keep your temperature at 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit and stable.Your nitrates should be 1-5 ppm and your phosphates should be just barely detectable but not 0.
Like most common aquarium corals, chalice corals such as this
manbetx3.0最新Mummy Eye Chalice contains a photosynthetic algae called zooxanthellae which provides the coral with most of its nutritional needs.However, you can feed this coral and see a proper feeding response.They will not eat everything you offer, so you may need to experiment a bit.It is best to spot feed to ensure the food gets to the coral and to limit waste.Feeding can promote better coloration and faster growth, but it is not required.You can also dose or spot feed with phytoplankton if you want a method that won't cause nutrient spikes.
Care requirements
Purchase Size: 1 – 2″
Placement:You can place this coral anywhere as long as its lighting and flow needs are met.
Lighting:Low to medium.
Parameters:72-78° F, pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 32-35 ppt
Calcium:350-450 ppm
Alkalinity:8-12 dKH
Magnesium:1,250-1,350 ppm
More Information
Because this coral is aquacultured by ORA, it is well adapted to aquarium conditions such as lighting, flow, and water chemistry.It is overall hardier than its ocean collected cousins.This means it has a much higher chance do survive and thrive in your aquariums.Aquacultured corals are also far less likely to carry diseases and pests, though you should still dip them to be safe.