Neon Gobies make for great reef fish, especially in small aquariums.Because of their small size, they can be kept in aquariums as small as ten gallons.Of course, they can be kept in larger aquariums as well.They have mostly black bodies with a somewhat transparent underside and a bright neon blue horizontal stripe going down both sides of their bodies.In the wild, these fish feed almost entirely on parasites from other fish.In the aquarium, they will accept meaty foods.If added to an aquarium with other fish, you likely see them cleaning those fish, even large fish.They can be kept in a pair if they are matted together, but are aggressive towards other Neon Gobies.Other than that, they are peaceful fish.Usually, they are not bothered by larger fish because they are recognized as cleaner fish.However, mantis shrimp, pistol shrimp, and other ambush feeders can easily prey on this fish.ORA provides Neon Gobies to public aquariums in large quantities to control disease in their tanks.This truly is an incredible fish.
Care Requirements
- Purchase Size:1 – 1.25″
- Feeding:Carnivore.This fish only eats meaty foods and needs to be fed once per day.
- Water Parameters:~78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
- Temperament:Peaceful
- Reef Safe:Yes
- Color:Mostly black body with a transparent white underside.They have a neon light-blue horizontal stripe on each side of the body
More Information
Because these Neon Gobies are captive-bred by ORA, they are hardier and more disease resilient than wild-caught specimens.They are also well adapted to aquarium life and better able to handle the stress of shipping.The wild-caught trade is harmful to the ocean, but by purchasing captive-bred fish such as these, you are discouraging the wild-caught trade while also supporting the captive-bred industry.This makes our beautiful hobby more sustainable!