Adding a refugium to the reef tank system can be a game changer for some reef keepers!Most experienced hobbyists agree that a
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Copepods make up the crustacean arthropod subclass Copepoda.It is one of the most ecologically important groups of animals on the planet.This isn'tjustbecause they are the most abundant animal species, nor just because they collectively make up the most biomass (which they do!).Rather, it is because most all freshwater and marine food chains ultimately lead back to them!manbetx3.0最新this is because they are primary consumers, heavily grazing algae both from open waters and seafloors.In so doing, copepods transfer nutrients and biomass created by primary producers to predators higher up in the food chain.Just as these activities are so essential to the wellbeing of natural marine ecosystems, they are important in one's saltwater aquarium.
Copepods benefit marine aquaria of all kinds in all sorts of ways.Most species, for example, make a great foundation for the clean-up crew.manbetx3.0最新Their capacity for controlling detritus and nuisance algae is certainly impressive.As they grow and multiply, they become a highly nutritious live food source for an astoundingly broad range of aquarium animals.For example, as benthic types grow to adults, they are picked off of the bottom by small fishes such as green mandarins, six-line wrasses, etc.Larger planktonic types get picked off by zooplanktivores such as anthias.Tiny copepod larvae, which are almost universally free-living in the water column, serve as an excellent food source for many types of corals.
In this section, you will learn which type of copepod best suits your needs, how to add "pods" to your tank and how to keep a resident pod population flourishing indefinitely.
78 Posts
How EcoPods Helps Keep a Reef Tank Healthy
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A Closer Look at EcoPods
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All about Tisbe pods
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What Kind of Copepods do Mandarins Eat?
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Galaxy Pods in the Ultimate Galaxy Pack
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How PNS YelloSno Works in the Ultimate Galaxy Pack
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What Copepods are Best for the Reef Tank?
One of the most fascinating parts of this hobby is the colossal variety of creatures that will take up residence in the reef tank.This
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How Often Should I Add Copepods to the Reef Tank?
A reef tank is a complex system with a lot of different components.All these moving parts must be fully functioning for the ecosystem
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What are the Best Live Foods for Coral?
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The Tank Booster Pack: Wholistic Reef Aquarium Balance
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A Closer Look at the Harpacticoid Copepod Euterpina acutifrons
It's both strange and unfortunate that some of the most widely occurring copepod species on Earth remain rare in the aquarium
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Mesozooplankton and Multivorous Food Webs
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Feeding Your NPS Aquarium
Photosynthetic corals dominate natural, shallow tropical coral reefs.So it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that they are so
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Quarantining Your Mandarin Fish
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5 Fish for the Refugium
For a lot of people, a refugium is an opportunity to keep an "extra" tank.This doesn't necessarily mean more of the same!in fact, the
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Upgrading to the ULTIMATE Ecopack
Pods.Phyto.manbetx3.0最新At AlgaeBarn, these are the bread and butter of the reef aquarium diet.And for sure, these two items form the base of
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Upgrading to the ULTIMATE Refugium Starter Pack
You might be setting up a brand-new reef tank.Maybe you're doing some upgrades to an existing aquarium.Either way, you'll have a lot
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Do Corals Really Eat Plankton?
It's hard to say for sure which came first for reef aquarists--the emergence of high-quality coral foods, or the realization that
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